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The Teamwork Factor

Good teams become great when they trust one another, engage in healthy debate and know how to hold each other to account.

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Great teamwork takes time and effort

Individual performance coupled with great leadership and teamwork in the workplace are the cornerstones of collective success.

Have you ever found yourself wondering:

  • How do we get our people to pull in the same direction and work better together?
  • How do we get team members to take more responsibility for their actions?
  • How can we get better at having healthy debate and holding each other to account?

Our leadership and teamwork training programmes are designed with your current team dynamics and future business needs in mind.

Whether it’s a Board, senior leadership team, or any team in your business, we will help your people to understand each other more. So they can work better together and their team contributes everything it can to the success of your business.

Learn to trust one another

Teams that trust one another go far together.

A good team becomes great when its members learn how to be open and honest. When they trust one another and care about each other’s success.

Cohesive teams know how to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas for everyone’s benefit not just their own. It’s creating an environment where your people have the confidence to speak up when they should, because there’s no fear of reprisal, feeling humiliated or being resented by others.

Hold each other to account

Teams with high trust levels are best equipped to maintain standards, take responsibility and achieve the results they want.

Team members know how to identify issues and resolve them quickly, because they can confront one another directly, and don’t just pass the buck to the leader or another person to sort.

Driving accountability is the most difficult part of creating a high performing team culture, which is why cohesive teams stands out from the rest.

A collaborative team, doesn’t just use their collective target or goal to stay focussed. They agree the behaviours and standards they expect to see from each other, and then hold each other to account to get back on track.

Shift focus from 'me' to 'we'

A disconnect occurs when an individual cares more about themselves than the team. Personal agendas begin to take hold and affect the effectiveness of your team’s overall performance.

Learning to communicate better, and shifting your team member’s the focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’, is central to building trust and improving the connectedness of your team.

Teams that know how to communicate and collaborate properly build stronger connections. It creates higher commitment levels, which in turn increases the group’s collective power and impact.

Teamwork really does make the dream work

Good teams become great ones, when the members trust each other enough to surrender the 'me' for the 'we'.

Phil Jackson - NBA basketball legend

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.

Henry Ford

A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.

Simon Sinek - Author, Together is Better

Trust is knowing when a team member does push you, they are doing it because they care about the team.

Patrick Lencioni - Author, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.

Napoleon Hill - Author, Think & Grow Rich

Improve your team chemistry and get the results you want

Motivational speaker

If you are serious about your success and want your team to get serious about its performance, we'd love to hear from you.

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